Data Categories

How We Use Student Data

The University of Maryland, Baltimore County has developed a national reputation for collecting and analyzing student data to help improve the educational effectiveness of our programs and services and to support individual students with available academic resources. We’ve also worked with other institutions to develop best practices in transparency about use of student data.

The data UMBC collects is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which allows institutions to analyze student data while also protecting its privacy. For more information, please see

The data categories we have documented are listed to the left. Each of these areas provides the following information for each category of data:

  • What data we collect?
  • How we use the data we collect?
  • How we collect that data?
  • How we share this data?
  • What actions can individuals take to review their data?

Please use this site to review your data and thank you for visiting the site.